Transformaciónes and Luna Negra

This is from a 3/4" dub of the original edit. There are two different pieces in this clip, both were created in collaboration with Daniel Doherty at the Experimental Television Center in the early 1980's. These are real time animations. Dan created 4 prints for each piece. The moon images in Luna Negra were wood cuts; the images in Transformaciónes were drawings. We placed each image in front of a video camera and combined the images using various image processing patches using my Jones synth and ETC processors. Using this process the number of unique animation frames was limited to the number of video cameras available to us in the studio (all cameras were old black and whites and it can be seen that some were sharper than others).
As this was real time, each segment's sound was recorded at the same time as the video. As with most of the work on this site, there was not much, if any, post production, which involved straight cutting the select real time recordings.
The last sequence in Luna Negra reveals the process, and the figure on the other end of the movable wall that the images were pinned to was none other than Hank Rudolph.
The titles are in Spanish, in part, as Dan was living in Mexico and planned to show the work there.
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